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Written by Devon Duerr

Our little Ash and me when he was about 10 weeks old.
We feel our animal’s energy when we touch them or when they give us a friendly lick (like our little Ash is giving me in the photo above!). We feel good around them because we are sharing an energetic field full of love.

But if you’re wondering how animal communication can take place without the animal being in the same room with the person communicating, whether it’s you, me or somebody else, then you’re asking “What is an energy field?”.

I use an energy field to connect with animals during all my animal communication sessions, whether the animal is across the room, across town, or on the other side of the globe. There is a wealth of information available in books, classes, and online that goes into a detailed explanation of energy. In this post, I hope to give you some brief examples to help you understand energy fields and possibly spark an interest that inspires you to explore the topic further.

What is this energy field I use to connect with animals? It’s a pathway for communication allowing information to travel from one place to another. It’s all around us, all the time. We have our own personal energy field, and so do animals. But there are also fields of energy in groups of people, buildings, and even words.

We’ve all walked into a room where the people already in the room are silent, and we think, “What just happened? Everybody seems tense.” There is a feel to the room. You are experiencing a shift in the energy between rooms. Your surrounding energy field collided with a different energy field causing you to notice a shift in the mood, tension, and emotions of your surroundings. You received information, without even trying, about the people and the conversation that had recently occurred prior to you entering the room.

When somebody says “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I know something is off…” They are feeling the energy of information just outside the grasp of the energy field they are currently residing. When they can bring that information into their energy field, that’s when the metaphorical light bulb goes off, and they realize, “Aha! That’s what I was thinking was off!” They have now put their “energetic finger” on the missing piece of information.

We can put our physical finger on an object, in water, or on a person’s shoulder and feel energy too. It’s subtle, but it is there. This is why babies need to be held and animals need to be groomed for them to be socialized. You are sending an energy of love and nurturing their energetic field with this interaction. When somebody you care about gives you a big warm hug, you are physically feeling their energy.

Think about that first cooler day in the Fall. Do you sometimes get a shock from static electricity just by bumping into something? You’re feeling the energy field there too. Energy is everywhere and in all things. Science has proven this through the study of matter and the atoms that form matter. Atoms contain energy. Scientists expand every day on the research involving Quantum theory and how fields of energy affect how we move, think, interact and develop as a society.

If you look at weather patterns and study hurricanes, the energy field patterns are fascinating. Why do cows lay down in the field long before a storm is on the horizon? They can feel in the air the energetic field shifting due to the approaching storm’s energy. They are connecting with the energy of the storm.

Ever had a dream that stayed with you for the whole day or even longer? You woke up, but the dream felt so real that you forgot you were in your bedroom? When we are dreaming, we are connecting through an energy field. Whether we are having a good dream or a bad dream, we wake up feeling certain emotions even though we never actually touched anything physically. We were in a mental field of energy different from the physical energy field of our bedroom. When we woke up, we immediately felt a shift, but the mental energy of the dream stayed with us.

There are many ways to connect and feel the energy field around you. An essential part of strengthening this connection is Meditation. I know, I know, many of you already know this, I can feel the subliminal eye roll out there. LOL! However, others are thinking, “but I can’t meditate, my mind won’t shut off” or “I don’t have time for meditation” or “I get so bored meditating.” I used to think meditation was boring. Once I discovered and began feeling the benefits, I then had to battle the “I don’t have time to meditate” argument. Once I created space for meditation in my daily life, things shifted dramatically. I could feel the energy field faster, deeper, and on a much more intimate level than ever before. Many spiritual teachers refer to meditation as a practice, because it genuinely takes practice. Just like going to the gym every day to develop your muscles, practicing meditation every day helps you develop your energetic muscles. I consider it part of my job to meditate regularly so when it’s time to connect with an animal it is instantaneous.

When I connect with an animal, I am deeply respectful of their energetic field. Just as I would be when first meeting another person. I wouldn’t walk up to a person I just met and give them a huge bear hug. I would respect their space and get to know them first. There may be a bear hug in the future, but I take my time entering their energy field as I would hope others would do for me.

In summary, energy is all around us. When you feel a change in mood, temperature or even sound, you are feeling a shift between energy fields. Energy is traveling through these fields with information. During an Animal Communication Session, with, and ONLY with, your animal’s and your permission, I use these energy fields to receive information from your animal, allowing a pathway for an intense spiritual connection for which I am always grateful to experience. Learn more about Animal Communication here.

Picture of Devon Duerr

Devon Duerr

Author | Teacher | Angel Intuitive

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Hey there, I’m Devon. People often ask how I got into the field of teaching intuition. I was on this path from a very young age. However, it took multiple profound experiences with animals, Angels, and dreamwork to cultivate an understanding of how I use my intuition not just for making big decisions, but in every small action I take in my day-to-day life. I would love to share some of these experiences with you. So here it goes…

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